Schaut mal hier auf
Ein Smart Start, der schnell, günstig und einfach ist!
INTRODUCTION 1: Introducing the 30 Day Shrink
IN THE KITCHEN 2: Eat plants for a day 3: Shuffle your food 4: Start a vegetable garden 5: Build a compost heap 6: Make a seasonal meal
ON THE ROAD 7: Take a purposeless walk 8: Cycle somewhere new 9: Let someone else drive 10: Improve your fuel economy 11: Research your motor 12: Plan a flightless holiday
AROUND THE HOME 13: Turn off your gadgets 14: Change a light bulb 15: Seal an air leak 16: Control your heating 17: Control your cooling 18: Research your intensity 19: Research solar power 20: Save some water
KNOW YOUR STUFF 21: Declutter a room 22: Upcycle some junk 23: Choose a used product 24: Invest in good design 25: Recycle some waste
GET CREATIVE 26: Pay a person 27: Buy a quality offset 28: Plant a tree that sucks 29: Plant flowers for bees 30: Support broader change